This is a collection of articles that caught my attention this week.
Innovation vs. Transformation: The Difference in a Digital World
How to Make Intrapreneurs the Heroes of Digital Innovation
Big Food Looks to Startups for Ideas, Innovation
Why Value is Innovation’s Sticky Secret
Customer-centric innovation model a big win for mining truck supplier
Linus Torvalds — “Successful Projects Are Result Of 99% Hard Work, 1% Innovation”
Can China Become a Leader of Innovation?
The RFP Is the Enemy of Innovation — Here’s Why
UBC prof challenges roadbuilders to lead on innovation
Bechtel targets building accuracy via innovation
In various places I’m seeing that people are acknowledging that innovation is overused and some are even questioning it’s effectiveness. I think this is why people are exploring alternate words to describe this function, such as transformation or simply growth. The words value and intrapreneurship are also coming up consistently, and for good reason, as this is the key to organization level growth efforts.